Do you feel like the people around you find you boring? Often, that has nothing to do with the information you put across but how you deliver it. Confidence is an essential cue that will make your listeners take you seriously. The good news is that confidence is a skill that you can easily acquire and speak like that politician, public speaker, or friend you admire. In this post, we will focus on the benefits of speaking with confidence.
1. Confidence Allows One to Speak from the Heart
Unconfident speakers don’t think about what they say, so they just toss words out there. Most public speakers go through their speeches without internalising how the message will be perceived. You won’t sound genuine if you fail to speak from the heart.
A confident speaker doesn’t care whether listeners respond negatively or positively. You won’t care about what they say or think about you. This will make it easier for your audience to resonate with your emotions and want to listen to you more and engage with you better. Besides, you will always find the right words to communicate the message in your heart and your head.
2. It Makes You a Better Public Speaker
Consider that politician or public speaker you admire. What makes them unique? Is it their passion, knowledge, or their ability to pass information? Are they good storytellers? Can they keep their audience engaged?
If the answer is yes, they are inevitably confident. Confidence is one of the essential traits of a public speaker. Without confidence, you may not be able to showcase your communication skills effectively. The best public speakers acknowledge that if their audience notice they’re nervous, their speeches may sound inauthentic.
If you want to become a great public speaker, you need to:
- Develop a mindset of confidence
- Focus on what you can control
- Prepare in advance
- Maintain eye contact
- Exercise on a daily basis
- Start speaking with a familiar audience
- Connect with your audience
3. Managing Anxious Feelings
It is normal to feel anxious sometimes. Whether you have that difficult conversation with a client or a meeting with your boss, speaking confidently will help you manage the anxiety. Besides, confident people praise the people around them for their contribution because they get their self-worth from within. If you’re confident, your audience and the people around will feel relaxed.
4. Creates Trust
Lack of trust in ourselves results from a lack of confidence. Understanding there’s nothing wrong with you and that you deserve to be heard builds your self-trust. Instead of giving your power to other people’s opinions, speaking confidently allows you to trust in yourself before other people can start counting on you.
How Pronunciation School Can Help
At Pronunciation School, we have the tools and expertise to help you build your confidence exponentially. We offer communication classes if you want to enhance your public speaking or communication skills. Enrol today to build your confidence and gain the charisma you desire.