You Don't Have To Feel Ashamed Of Your Accent Anymore
People judge you because of your accent. I wish this wasn’t true, but it is. And it’s really not their fault. It’s human nature. That’s tough to change.
“If you don’t sound like us, you’re not one of us.”
It’s not your fault either. You can’t be blamed for your accent. You talk that way because you were taught that way.
The thing is, we all have to deal with reality. And the reality is:
People find it hard to understand you when you talk
You find it hard to understand Australians when they talk
Because of this, you lack confidence when you’re around other people
You’re worried about people judging you, talking behind your back, making fun of you
You don’t enjoy social events at work or with your friends
You find it hard to enjoy English television and movies
And on top of all this, it’s having a bad effect on your career!
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Imagine having meetings at work where people pay close attention when you speak and respect your opinions…
Imagine chatting with your coworkers and conversation flowing easy…
Imagine finally getting recognition and praise for your expertise and hard work from your bosses…
Imagine meeting your mates and having a good chat…
Imagine going to dinner and a movie with your boyfriend or girlfriend and thoroughly enjoying yourself…
That’s how much of an effect it can have on your life when you’re comfortable expressing yourself in English.
Because communication is EVERYTHING.
The Reason Why Speech Therapists And English Coaches Can’t Fix Your Accent…
Some of our students have spent years and thousands of dollars trying to get rid of their accent. And when it doesn’t work, they become more and more frustrated. Maybe even give up completely.
I really can’t blame them. Because many English coaches and Speech Therapists don’t have the right tools or techniques to get results.
Pronunciation School is the brainchild of Daniel Wolfson
Something you should know about me
Hey, I’m Daniel and let’s get one thing clear.
I never woke up one day and thought I want to remove people’s accents. I never thought I want people to sound like me. I wanted to be a cowboy.
The truth is people just wanted me to teach them how to speak English like a native speaker. I worked as a language teacher for 15 years and most of that time I never thought twice about this aspect of the language. But over the years more and more people asked me, begged me to coach them to speak with a native accent and pronunciation.
I began to see how important it was to people.
I saw their confidence being shattered by reaching a point where they just couldn’t improve any more. I saw them crying in my classroom while they said they are ashamed of their speech. I saw how painful it was to be part of a society and yet an outsider. I saw people who were experts in their fields with just one barrier left to cross. I started to see the undeniable advantage of effortless speech that didn’t put a label on you.
So I started playing with coaching pronunciation and accent. I read books and listened to people carefully. Then I threw out the books because I realised they didn’t work. I realised that perfect speech is actually imperfect. I realised I needed to teach people how to break all the rules and let the language flow in a new way.
I have a VERY good ear. And I am VERY creative. So I just listened and found ways to communicate precisely what cannot be heard or understood. I started to see people getting it. They said, “I literally feel a shift in my brain”. They said “You are a magician. Suddenly I can understand everyone” They said “I can see myself as a native speaker and it feels so good”. So I kept going.
My profession is an extremely tender topic.
People feel uncomfortable with my work. Others think it is amazing. It provokes questions of identity, and touches deepest fears of acceptance and pride, insecurities that have been pushed away and prejudices that are denied. I understand all that. But this is doing people good. I see confidence growing and barriers being smashed. So let’s Keep winning.
Here's a quick lesson for you to help you get started.
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Why learn to speak like a native English speaker?
The truth is I don’t want to teach you to speak with a native English accent. I want to teach you to speak EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY. You have to ask yourself, why do native accents evolve? There are many many variations of native English accents. There is Australian, American, English, Irish, Canadian, and dozens of regional accents in every English speaking country! But they all evolved to deliver the English language in the most effortless way possible. That’s how speaking should be for you.
Speaking with a native English accent is really hard!
Every student will tell me sooner or later that speaking in the way I am instructing them is really hard. My response is always the same: The way you speak English normally is very hard! You have to make so much effort just to pronounce all the words and you speak slowly and your mouth gets tired and still people don’t understand you! I’m telling you how to speak this language in the easiest way possible, with the minimum effort and still be understood clearly.
So what is a native English accent?
A native English accent is characterised by very soft consonants. Consonants are the sounds we make when the lips come together for /p/ /b/, when the teeth touch the lips for the /f/ /v/ and when the tongue touches the inside of the mouth for /n/ /l/ /t/ /d/ /k/ etc. The consonants are so soft that often you can’t hear them because you are expecting them to be stronger, and sometimes you can’t hear them because they are not even there. Everytime you struggle to understand a native English speaker it’s because they are speaking with very soft or completely missing consonants.
Let it flow
Why are the consonants so soft? Another characteristic of native English accents is the breath. In English the breath is always flowing. Because consonants are produced by lips, teeth and tongue making contact, they restrict the flow of breath. When the breath is blocked it cuts the flow of words and syllables. Let it flow let it flow let it flow. When breath and voice is flowing the stress pattern and intonation pattern of English language will start to become easier to imitate too.
What do you want to express?
We do not only communicate through words. We communicate through stress pattern and intonation too. Language is a multi-dimensional system and if you ignore the stress pattern and intonation then it’s like singing in only one note or having a powerful computer and only using it to browse the internet. When you free your voice and let it flow you can start to learn the other dimensions of communication too.
How does the course work?
The course is structured to build your ability to produce the essential aspects of native English accents. One by one, you will learn these aspects, adding them together to produce more and more complex and effortless sentences. You will do this by listening and imitating special words and phrases and learning the logical system of sounds to communicate anything you want. You will then practice these sounds using a visual card game to connect your new auditory memory with your visual memory. You will be given audio files to use at home, on your way to work, in the gym, or even while trying to sleep at night so you can practice these aspects of effortless speech and build them into lifelong habits. In the class you will also train your ear and with songs, deliver speeches, and transcribe and imitate film and television.
Why you find it so hard to change your accent
You learnt English mainly through reading and writing and talking to other learners. This means you developed a strong visual memory of the language and just pronounce the words how they are spelt or how your own language would pronounce those letters. But English is not a phonetic language. This means you cannot learn to speak it from reading and writing. You have to learn it from listening. Your auditory memory is weak. On this course you will develop your auditory memory, like building a muscle in the gym. With this muscle you will be able to hear the language rather than see it. When you can really hear it, and can rely on your auditory memory then you will slowly change the way you speak. Eventually when you are searching for a word, you will hear it in your head instead of see it.
By the end of the course
By the end of this course you will have learnt all the essential features of the native English accent and more importantly how to speak effortlessly. You have decades of speaking English incorrectly, so it will take time to build new speech habits and use them without thinking. But with your new listening skills and hours of 1-1 correction and practice that you received on this course, your new way of speaking will evolve naturally just as all native English accents did in all the countries and regions of the world.
Enjoy the journey,