Are you thinking of reducing your accent to sound more like a native English speaker? You may be wondering, when’s the time for change?
Sometimes we make a decision for change and then we throw that decision in the back of our minds. We know the time is now but we don’t know if we are ready for the commitment and work it takes to see results. You ask yourself many questions but leave them unanswered. Am I going to improve? Do I have the time? What about that other goal I was going to accomplish? Is this a silly idea? Will it work?
This happens to anyone trying to make any change in their life, such as weight loss, weight gain, starting a business, starting a thesis, taking out a loan to buy a home. We often struggle identifying signals life throws at us, telling us when it’s time to ‘go’, ‘stop’, ‘pause’, etc.
I’m going to help you out by giving you some questions to reflect on. My goal is to help you determine when you are ready move forward in life and transform yourself.
Let’s go.
1. Do you ask yourself: Why don’t people understand me the first time?
2. Do you also ask yourself: Why can’t I understand people the first time?
3. Does the thought of accent reduction give you a glimpse of excitement and confidence?
4. When you are socialising or in a meeting with mostly native English speakers, do you wish you had the confidence to speak out loud in front of everyone?
5. Can you imagine yourself speaking to people from all backgrounds fluently and effortlessly?
6. Do you ask yourself: How can I sound professional and confident when I make an important phone call?
7. When you are attending a job interview, is your accent one of the concerns about how well you may do?
8. Do you sometimes feel like your personality would be freer with a native English accent?
9. Do you want to be a powerful, confident, successful communicator?
Take your time with these questions and if you would like someone to discuss it with, in a private & confidential setting, send me an email:
All the best ๐