WOW! This question is a killer, but it’s VERY common. Do you know how to answer it? Even native English speakers with beautiful perfect accents and pronunciation struggle with interview questions.
Don’t say:
I have great people skills. I have great time management skills. I’m passionate about marketing.
These are buzzwords that anyone can say and you are hiding behind them and putting your interviewer to sleep. zzzzzzz.
Wake up and tell them a story. Story is the key to any answer. Tell me a self discovery that you have made during your career. Everyone loves a personal journey. The heroes journey!
Try this:
Well, when I arrived in Australia I didn’t know anyone and had no idea about the industry here. So I put myself to work and went out everyday to make connections and research and study. I guess I’m a self starter, and during this process I really sharpened my communication skills. I guess sometimes you don’t know what your strengths are until you are forced to use them. And I think that’s another one of my strengths.. getting out there and trying something new.
AHHH. Now you are telling me who you are. I know your personal story. And your story illustrates your strengths. I see your personality. I see you are open and can communicate AND I see the strengths you actually mention!