While some genetic factors can influence the accent you develop, a significant part of it is acquired by learning. Most people use accent training courses to learn how to speak with a new accent. You can also learn a new accent by studying the language and listening to native speakers.
What Is an Accent?
At its core, an accent is a way of pronouncing words in a language, particularly to a certain group of people or region. In simple terms, it is how you sound when you speak through your intonation and rhythm of speech. There are two types of accents: a foreign accent and the accent that a specific group of people uses when speaking their native language.
A foreign accent occurs when you speak a language that is not your native language. It involves using the rules and sounds of another language. For instance, if someone has difficulty pronouncing some sounds in English, they may replace similar sounds found in their native language. Although there is nothing wrong with that, this might sound incorrect or foreign to native English speakers.
The second type of accent occurs when a group of people speaks their first language. People who grow up in the same environment share a way of speaking (accent), which may vary from the way people in other locations speak. There are several types of English accents, including Australian, American, British, and more. For example, you may notice that someone from Australia speaks in a different accent from someone from Britain or the United States.
Is It Possible to Learn a New Accent?
Developing a native-level accent is one of the most challenging things in learning the English language, but the best part is that it’s possible. There are a few things you can do to develop a good accent and speak more like a native English speaker, including the following:
Get Familiar with the English Language
One way to reduce your accent is by focusing more on practicality than theory. Try exposing yourself as much as possible to the language. This may include talking with native speakers and listening to correct pronunciation through television, podcasts, and radio shows.
Identify What Is off About Your Pronunciation
While at it, it’s also important to identify what is wrong with your pronunciation and work towards improving it.
Use Accent-Specific Resources
There are several accent-specific resources you can use to improve your spoken English. These may include books, websites, and audio courses.
Take a Course
Taking a course in accent reduction can be helpful. It can help reduce your accent, improve your pronunciation, and increase your confidence when speaking, allowing you to communicate more effectively with others.
Related article: How Do You Overcome a Thick Accent
Book Your Accent Training Class Today With Pronunciation School
Pronunciation School is the leading accent coach in Australia. You can trust us to help transform your foreign accent to give you a boost in your career and social endeavours. Book your free consultation today to get started.