Perfection happens when…
your mind teaches your body how to do something and then your body takes over and your mind then takes a holiday. Do you know what I mean? How did you learn to play the piano? Your mind taught your hands then your hands took over and your mind went on holiday. Perfection only happens when your mind is absent. It’s an irony that we have to work so hard for perfection and to master something but the final step is letting go into the part of you that has no you. But now i’m getting too deep. Let’s talk about how you can speak perfectly.
I have a student that…
tries to micro manage his speech production. He thinks really hard about every tongue movement and then pushes the sounds out. Then he says it is really hard! Of course it is hard that way. He is trying to jump to perfection without having taught his body how to do it. The mind cannot do anything perfectly. Only the body can! First he needs to just slowly practice the specific movement he wants his tongue to make, without tying to communicate or even expect perfection. It should be slow and careful. That is the nature of the mind. Slow and careful. After he has done this enough times we can check if the body knows what to do.
This part is easy.
You just speak fast and see if you make all the right sounds. The nature of the body is fast and careless. This is how the skateboarders do impossibly reckless tricks down staircases and how gymnasts throw themselves through triple somersaults through hoops and how race car drivers don’t crash at terrifying speeds. The body is fast, careless and perfect.
When you train with me you become fast, reckless and perfect.