Your voice is your most powerful tool. With this tool crowds are formed, armies are led, empires are defeated. A quiet whisper can melt hearts and a strong roar can defeat enemies. The human voice brings your hidden unheard thoughts to the hearts of others. It unites our own heart and mind. A few words finally expressed by your own lips can wake you up to the truth you couldn’t feel.
Every voice is unique. Your voice is as unique as your fingerprint and your eye. It has a sound created by the shape of your body. It is the echo of your body. But let’s be clear. The accent is the vehicle for your voice, your voice is part of you. Your accent is not you.
It is a tragedy of immense proportions that so many of us can’t bare to hear the sound of our own voice. I record all my students voices. I play them back to my students and they usually cover their ears. Can you imagine having this response to the sound of someone else’s voice? Although I do understand how this visceral reaction can occur. The voice is the fingerprint of the soul, and the ears are the channel to the heart. To hear a voice is to know someone. It’s a very direct experience of reality. From soul to heart.
I want you to sing everyday. Even if you can’t hit the notes you want. Just let your voice come out in a very open direct way. Then I want you to sing loudly as you walk down the street. I’ve taken to this habit myself.
You have a voice that can lead an army.