Although most of us are no strangers to public speaking engagements, not everyone is as compelling on stage as they would like to be. If you’re a fan of TED talks, you probably remember your favourite talk series, even if you watched them online.
The key to writing and delivering a memorable speech is using easy and effective public speaking techniques which your audience can grasp. In this blog, we’ll discuss four effective public speaking techniques successful public speakers use to keep their audience engaged.
Here are four effective public speaking techniques used by public speakers
Tell a Story
Stories are an essential part of a good public speech. Telling a story helps to engage and connect with your audience members, create an emotional connection, and make your presentation more memorable.
Stories can also be used to illustrate complex ideas and bring the message to life by adding emotion, colour, and personal experience about you.
By creating an engaging story, you can relate better to your listeners and create an emotional connection with them. This connection will help your listeners to understand the details of the speech. It can also make you more likable and approachable as a speaker.
Use a Mixture of Humour, Pathos, Rhetoric
Humour, pathos, and rhetoric are all powerful tools when it comes to speech presentation. Humour helps lighten the mood of your audience and can bring liveliness to what could otherwise be an intense, serious narrative. A public speaker who uses humour connects better with their audience and comes across as more likable.
Pathos can be used to evoke emotions in the audience to demonstrate the importance of the message. As the presenter, you want your listeners to feel the same emotions you feel about the speech. Using pathos helps you to connect emotionally, engage, and influence them.
Rhetoric, on the hand, is used to persuade the listeners to believe in your opinion. It provides a way to effectively communicate your message and articulate your points in a way that resonates with your audience.
Be Honest
Being honest during your presentation is important as it helps maintain your credibility and trustworthiness. Honesty is a virtue that can help build an authentic connection with your audience, making your message more persuasive and memorable.
Additionally, being honest allows you to be yourself, which can help you stay confident and in control of the situation. This also eliminates any worries about being exposed as a liar or a dishonest speaker.
Hire a Copywriter
If you don’t enjoy the process of speech writing, a copywriter can help. Copywriters have the knowledge and experience to craft a well-structured, powerful, and memorable speech that effectively conveys your message. Plus, they can help you find the right words and language to make your presentation impactful and more memorable.
Contact Pronunciation School
Another way to improve your public speaking skills is to get proper training. Pronunciation School is equipped and ready to help take your standard-level speech to the next level. Contact us today to book a free consultation or enrol in our Speech & Confidence Training Classes to get the help you need.