Dear Disney, please don’t change their voices!
I just watched the remake of The Lion King and my wife, who adores the original, excitedly told me that “Mufasa’s voice is played by the same actor!” It was a painful experience though to hear the other characters with the same dialogue but new voices.
Here’s what I think is so special about being a little human. We are each of as unique as our fingerprints, as unique as our irises, and as unique as our voices. Not one of us could replace the other.
In a crowded room of dark suits, a red dress will draw our eyes. In a crowded street of frowns, a smile will pierce our hearts. In a sea of sameness a distinct voice will captivate us.
AND YET… we long to be unified with the group. It is part of our complexity that we long to belong, and to be different. It’s a tension that allows genius to be relatable, and leaders to be followed.
Your voice is the tight rope that you walk on. It is unique but understood. Nobody else could say what you say, yet with your voice you make us feel one with you. If someone replaced your voice we would weep as if you had disappeared, yet when you speak like me I can feel as if you are speaking for me.
Listen real close to the people that surround you. Follow their rhythms and melodies, and play their music back to them with your voice that only you possess.