Yes. The first step to improving your speaking voice is identifying the issue and finding ways to refine it. Whether you speak too fast, have unclear pronunciation or flat intonation, or simply dislike the unique tone of your voice, it’s possible to improve your voice to make it easier to listen to.
Developing a beautiful and rich speaking voice can also give you assured authority and the sound of someone you want to listen to. Fortunately, this is something you can learn, just like any other skill. All you need is some guidance. Here are a few simple steps to improve the sound of your voice:
Slow Down
When you speak too quickly, you make it difficult for your listeners to keep up with you, which can discourage them from listening to what you’re saying. It is, therefore, essential to speak more slowly to allow them to absorb and understand what you are saying.
Slow down your speech and pause between sentences when necessary. This can help add emphasis to your speech and allow you to take a breath. However, this doesn’t mean that you speak too slowly but rather find a balance in your speaking rate. The recommended speaking rate ranges between 120 to 160 words per minute.
Exercise Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is an essential part of public speaking. But it’s important to learn to breathe correctly because doing it too shallowly or quickly can negatively impact your speech. You can practice deep breathing by inhaling profoundly, letting the air fill your belly. Do that for about five seconds, then exhale for another five seconds.
Practice this technique over and over, then try incorporating it into your speech routine. If possible, try taking deep breaths at the end of every sentence. Other practices like maintaining good posture can help with deep breathing and voice projection.
Record Yourself
As you work on your ability to refine the sound of your voice, record yourself reading and listen back to your voice. Replay these recordings repeatedly, identify any issues, and find ways to refine your delivery, pacing, and pronunciation. Practising this regularly and consistently can help you improve your level of vocal mastery.
Work with a Voice Coach
If you believe your voice is not as beautiful as you may want it to be, you can consider working with a professional voice coach. A coach can identify your unique speech problems and help you rectify them. Whether you are preparing for a public speech or presentation or an important debate, seeing a voice coach is a good idea.
You can also try to practice in front of a trusted friend or family member. Request them to listen to your speech and provide an honest response. If that doesn’t work, consider taking public speaking voice training to refine the sound of your voice.
Contact Pronunciation School
If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a public speaker and need help improving your speaking sound, Pronunciation School can help. Enrol in our speech and confidence training classes today to get started.